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发布时间:2020-02-01 点击次数:3614


1、 垫层自流平水泥

 垫层自流平水泥顾名思义就是为一些对地面平整度要求较高的地坪饰面材料提供一个高度平整的基础地面找平层。垫层自流平水泥由于其主要功能是提供高度平整的地面,因此,对材料特性的要求仅仅是高流动性,高平整度,无浮灰。对施工后表面色差的多少等装饰效果没有太多的要求。垫层自流平水泥根据饰面材料的特性和应用场景不同 还可分为普通自流平水泥和高强自流平水泥。对于木地板,地毯,PVC塑胶地板,瓷砖等这类厚质地坪装饰材料,且无需重载的场所,一般选用普通自流平水泥即可。如:AP-330 商用自流平水泥(抗压强度20-25mpa)。而对于环氧地坪漆等这类薄质饰面低坪装饰材料,且用于地下停车场,工厂,仓库等有重物碾压的场所,则需要选用高强自流平水泥。如:AP-320 多用途高强自流平水泥。


2、 面层自流平水泥

 生产工艺面层自流平水泥顾名思义是这种水泥地坪材料施工后是可以当装饰面直接使用,也就是我们现在比较流行的清水水泥地面和彩色水泥地面。面层自流平水泥相对于垫层自流平水泥来说,对材料的配方,原材料的选用,生产工艺,施工流程有更高的要求。它除了要求材料的流动性,平整度,强度,硬度外,还要求施工后颜色的均匀度,抗开裂性等更高的技术要求。所以,要真正做面层自流平水泥,对生产厂家而言,从配方,原料,生产,施工都是一个挑战。澳恒公司15年专注研发和技术沉淀,已可以为市场提供品质稳定的产品。AP-340 高强面层自流平水泥(水泥本色),AP-350 彩色面层自流平水泥。







What is the difference between cushion self-leveling cement and surface layer self-leveling cement? Self-leveling cement can be divided into two major categories: cushion self-leveling cement and surface layer self-leveling cement according to the usage:

1. Cushion self-leveling cement

 As the name implies, the self-leveling cement of the cushion layer is to provide a highly leveled foundation ground leveling layer for some floor finish materials that have high requirements for ground flatness. Since the main function of cushion self-leveling cement is to provide a highly level ground, the only requirement for material properties is high fluidity, high flatness, and no floating dust. There is not much requirement for the decorative effect such as the color difference of the surface after construction. Cushion self-leveling cement can be divided into ordinary self-leveling cement and high-strength self-leveling cement according to the characteristics of facing materials and different application scenarios. For wood floor, carpet, PVC plastic floor, ceramic tile and other thick floor decoration materials, and do not need heavy load, generally use ordinary self-leveling cement. Such as: AP-330 commercial self-leveling cement (compressive strength 20-25mpa). For such low-level decorative materials such as epoxy floor paint and other low-level decorative materials, and used in underground parking lots, factories, warehouses and other places where heavy objects are rolled, high-strength self-leveling cement is required. Such as: AP-320 multi-purpose high-strength self-leveling cement.

Aoheng self-leveling cement

2. Surface layer self-leveling cement

 Production process surface self-leveling cement As the name implies, this cement floor material can be used directly as a decorative surface after construction, which is now our popular water cement floor and colored cement floor. The surface layer self-leveling cement has higher requirements on the material formula, the selection of raw materials, the production process, and the construction process than the cushion self-leveling cement. In addition to the material's fluidity, flatness, strength and hardness, it also requires higher technical requirements such as color uniformity and crack resistance after construction. Therefore, it is a challenge for manufacturers to formulate, raw materials, production and construction to truly make surface layer self-leveling cement. Aoheng Company has been focusing on research and development and technological precipitation for 15 years, and has been able to provide stable quality products to the market. AP-340 high-strength surface layer self-leveling cement (cement natural color), AP-350 color surface layer self-leveling cement.

Therefore, only by understanding the difference between cushion self-leveling cement and surface layer self-leveling cement, and then selecting the appropriate self-leveling cement according to our specific needs and application scenarios, can we obtain economic and quality balanced products.

Aoheng color surface layer self-leveling cement

This article is from the official website of Guangzhou Aoheng Building Decoration Materials Co., Ltd. Please indicate the source when reprinting!

Related articles:

1. What is self-leveling cement?

2. How much is one square meter of self-leveling cement?



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  • 公司名称:广州市澳恒建筑装饰材料有限公司
  • 公司地址:广州市天河区棠东广棠西路14号1栋401
  • 联系方式:020-38667794
  • Email: 243105639@qq.com
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