AP-910 快速修补自流平水泥是澳恒公司为处理地坪一些疑难杂症而专门设计的产品。该产品具有超高强度(抗压强度55-60MPa),抗裂性好(材料里添加了抗裂纤维),可以快速修补破烂地面的坑洞(2-3小时可开放使用),修复破损的耐磨金刚砂地面(用密封固化剂研磨抛光),为无机磨石等高端产品提供稳定的抗裂层。同时,该产品可用于室外。
AP-910 Rapid Repair Self leveling Cement is a product specially designed by Aoheng Company to deal with some difficult and miscellaneous problems on the floor. This product has ultra-high strength (compressive strength 55-60MPa), good crack resistance (with added crack resistant fibers in the material), and can quickly repair potholes on broken floors (open for use in 2-3 hours), repair damaged wear-resistant diamond sand floors (polished with sealing curing agents), and provide a stable crack resistance layer for high-end products such as inorganic grinding stones. Meanwhile, the product can be used outdoors.
1. 抗压强度超高(55-60MPa),表面坚硬无浮灰;
2. 粘接强度高,不脱层;
3. 无收缩,抗开裂;
4. 快干快硬,可用做抛光地坪;
5. 流动性好,容易获得高平整度的地坪;
6. A级防火,环保无毒。
1. The compressive strength is extremely high (55-60MPa), and the surface is hard without floating ash;
2. High adhesive strength, without delamination;
3. No shrinkage, anti cracking;
4. Quick drying and hard hardening, can be used as a polishing floor;
5. Good liquidity, easy to obtain high flatness flooring;
6. A-level fire prevention, environmentally friendly and non-toxic.